Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Yesterday, I..... went..... shopping!! Well, not for me, but for Chipmunk.... BUT ITS STILL SHOPPING!!!

so so so, chipmunk wanted to get some clothes and a pair of jeans and stuff and Im like "eh, go to Colin's!! My papa te shop you 60,70,80% discount!!" and he was like "ok"

so so so, i took him to Colin's on  a primary search for jeans and we searched high and low, here and there, everywhere, all around the shop, even the ladies side!! But...... we couldn't find anything. It was either no size or the coffee shop was a buttoned coffee shop. So.... we left Colin's empty handed. I went home and told dad and he said that there will be new stuff soon so, I'll definitely be dragging Chipmunk there again!!! yay!! 

Oh so anyway, we left Colin's on a mall-wide search for clothes. Chipmunk keeps meeting people he knows and I'm looking everywhere but still...... no one!!! No fair!!! But anyway, we managed to get Chipmunk 2 shirts and we had j.co!! yay!!

Yeah, but I had fun, walking around, I probably wasn't using my mind hard enough to attract the jeans he was looking for, but its ok. I'll try again!! I kept attracting things I wanted instead, though, of course I didn't get it.

Oh, and I'm looking forward to wednesday coz coz coz of dinner!!! yay!!!

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