Saturday, April 11, 2009

What about tomorrow?

As of today, I am a lazy bum bum buming around. Ya man. Lately I've been lazing around and doing my assignments sloppy maybe because I hang around with Ahn Ghe too much? 


Hahaha, noway. It's probably because I'm indecisive on my next step. Where do I go from here, so many voices singing in my ear, is this the voice that I was meant to hear? Ok, enough with lyrics..... XD I mean in a more serious note, this week found me in a slump, indecisive, unsure and unproductive. I started realize how everyone is improving and leaving me behind. I started to notice how my progress have been stagnant and unchanging if it's not declining. My, whatever shall I do know?

Dear God, what is the bigger picture? Where does my path lead to? What is it that you wish of me in my life?


  1. I seriously will miss your company if you leave.. T.T but at the same time, I hope you can make the best decision just for yourself, coz this is your life! No matter wat, remember i am always by ur side k ;) I still love you!!


  2. : )
    I haven't the time to sit down, read through your blog and comment, even though we stopped exchanging letters a long time ago but hello again.

    I understand partially what you are going through because I have been there myself and I can tell you from firsthand experience: It's a TOA student thing - we're always bumming until the very last minute and then we work like mad. But yeah : )

    I know I've been a bit against on the fact about you joining TOA at first. But you know I only did this because I prolly didn't want you to go through the same thing like me. You can go to any other art college and still be happy than being in TOA. Still, you're here, you've made good reliable mates from the way I see it, and I am happy for you.

    But don't give up now.

    This is just the beginning.
    Surely you are aware of the fact that when you joined this college, you knew that you are going to lose a lot of time, a lot of sleep and a lot of friends along the way. But you know, after 3 years in this college, my same group of friends are still with me and they've been pretty understanding with me and my work so I'm sure your friends would do the same for you. As for parents, it takes some time ; )My parents now realize how difficult and hectic my tasks are so they're pretty much more understanding now.

    If you want to compare progress, go back and look at your old artworks. Then look at now. Maybe the change is not apparent yet but slowly, it will be : ) There's always one week in that time of period you just feel you don't want to do anything at all. Period. But yeah, you gotta work hard and pull through.


    You are strong. From the time I've met you until now, you are strong and you have presevered so far. So don't let this get you down. Once it does, it's hard to recover : ) Stay positive. I will try to write to you once in a while through email since I hardly can meet you up in reality. Although I really prefer hand-written mails. They feel a bit more... personal : )

    Well, if you do have troubles about college, you know the number to call now : )

    With much love and hugs and chocolates,

  3. Kthxbai!! Lol, think thoroughly and BE A (wo)MAN!!! DO THE RIGHT THING!!! Lol.. If you leave remember to visit me D: D: D:
